December 2024
Sexual Health
Hedda Fay

You Are Amazing!

Hey, you! Yes, I’m speaking directly to you! You are amazing.

You are such an incredible, wonderful, unique, and fantastic human being that there will never, ever in the history of the world be another someone like you. Rarer than the prettiest diamond, more valuable than any item money can buy, and you have endless potential to do incredible things while on this journey.

The world can be a very unkind place. While on your travels, not everyone you meet will be kind, and some who are kind will not have your best interest at heart. So you have to remember how amazing you are every day. When you gather yourself up to comb your hair and brush your teeth, make sure to look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how amazing you are and that you love what you see. For you to accept love from another you must first love yourself.

It’s important to really take stock of yourself. Each day when we dress, we are in a state of undress with ourselves. Rarely do we take inventory of ourselves in the looking glass, front and back, and accept ourselves. Accept every dimple, mark, scar, tattoo, blemish, mole, etc. It’s important when accepting ourselves that we really look at ourselves, front, back, side-to-side, and say, I love you! You may be uncomfortable doing this, but when people do this daily for thirty days they usually start to accept and love themselves in all their beautiful, unique glory.

In your daily life you will encounter people who’ll compare you to others, your appearance, age, sex, weight, height, hair color, eye color, skin color, clothing, income, beliefs, accent, place of origin. They will comment on absolutely anything that’s different from themselves. They may subject you to judgment or worse, ridicule.

Why they insist on doing this makes no sense, because there is no one quite like you. Don’t listen. When people say things that are unkind, cruel, judgmental or hateful to you, you have to remember one thing: they’re insecure and taking it out on you. When someone is truly confident, it’s not in what they say, you know it by how they conduct themselves. It’s their actions.

People of high character don’t feel the need to put others down to stand tall. They are acutely aware that their being and actions speak more than their mouth ever could. You know it, you see it — confidence and strength are undeniable.

This journey we are all on gets progressively better. You truly can accomplish anything you set your mind to. You have the power inside to accomplish all you want to achieve. As you progress, so too will your desires and goals. What may seem very important today may have no meaning tomorrow.

You’ll meet people you love so much that you can’t imagine ever being without them. They too are temporary in most cases. There may be a time when you’ll forget their favorite things, even their names, I promise. Your heart has such amazing potential for love, but sometimes it will feel broken on this path. It will grow stronger during these times. Broken hearts still beat.

You will get through the difficult times that lie ahead, I promise. You come from a long line of people who survived incredible hardships, with no indoor plumbing, no shelter, no market at the end of the street to find water or something to eat. You come from greatness, we all do.

The things that you lay awake worrying about or crying about today, you won’t remember tomorrow. The pain you feel today, one day you won’t even think about. I don’t care how painful it is, if you keep moving forward, you’ll one day wake up and not give it a second thought.

The secret to surviving on this path of challenge and successe is to love yourself first. The greatest love you can ever feel, that will take you farthest on your journey, is the love you invest in and give yourself. Nobody else really knows what you’re thinking. Be kind to you, be supportive. If I said half the things you’ve said to yourself, you’d hate me, so stop saying unkind things to yourself. Stand tall. If you feel weak and tired, fake it till you really feel it. Don’t quit. Let the world experience your unique and fabulous self. We need you.

This is Hedda Fay reminding you that you are an amazing, incredible being that will never again be created in your own perfect image. You hold the keys that will open any door you wish. You are an awesome, beautiful, and stupendous individual.

Hedda Fay, the Community Outreach and Program Manager of Northland Cares, answers your questions about sex and sexual health.