This publication would like to shine some light on a really meaningful undertaking that almost no one knows about.

We all know that Covid has ripped through our community over the last two years, causing many deaths and hospitalizations. What’s happened largely under the radar is that a small group of volunteers from the Greater Yavapai County Coalition, partnering with Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts, started distributing boxes to Covid patients in their homes with items that can help them monitor their condition, stay hydrated and stay safely isolated. These boxes have been helping people safely navigate a very serious illness and not feel so alone and helpless.
The winter of 2020 was one to remember for most of us, with Covid in full flood and services and events shutting down everywhere. Hospitals were full and for a time unable to take more patients. People were seeing shortages of masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, bleach and other cleaning products. The vaccinations hadn’t yet arrived and folks were hunkering down, afraid to go out even to the grocery store.
Even our own publisher, John Duncan, a member of GYCC, came down with Covid. GYCC is a nonprofit collaboration of organizations providing an umbrella of support to members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community. This a small but truly inspiring group of people know what it means to be there for one another. When John got sick the ER was so jammed up that he wound up undergoing triage in the hospital parking lot in his car, waiting five hours before he could even get an oxygen-level check. Friends from GYCC took him home, got him an oximeter to use daily, and checked on him regularly while he got through a pretty rough holiday season.
These kind and energetic GYCC folks, including Director Molly Freibott, realized that there were many people suffering through Covid at home who, like John, could use some support. They came up with a list of items that would make areal difference in helping people stay safe at home (no substitute for professional medical care, of course), and began to put the word out for donations.
Help and donations began coming in from the Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, the Salvation Army, the Oddfellows, AARP, Just Serve and Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts. Kind individuals also contributed to help GYCC fill and distribute over 60 boxes just within 2020.
When they began the initiative, they decided the project needed a name, and for a while were calling it the Covid Response Action Program, but the acronym CRAP seemed a bit awkward, though singularly appropriate as well, as in “CRAP,I have Covid!” They now refer to the Covid Relief Boxes.
Each box contains a twelve-day supply of the following for each Covid patient in the household:
- 1new oxygen monitor
- Gatorade(to provide essential electrolytes and prevent dehydration)
- Vitamins C and D, and Zinc
- Hand sanitizer
- 1 new digital thermometer
- Teas
- Masks, gloves, spray disinfectant
- Non-perishable foods that don’t need cooking: granola bars, peanut-butter crackers, applesauce
- OTC meds: Tylenol, cold medicines
- Adult and children’s coloring books with crayons or colored pencils
- Fleece throws
- A stuffed animal (so you don’t feel so alone)
- Hand written letters of encouragement
The average cost of a box is $80, so donations are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at Suze’s PCA lobby at 208 N. Marina St between 10 and 3 Mon-Sat. There is more demand for boxes than can be currently filled, so donations are much needed!
When the Delta variant appeared, the illness became much more transmissible, so many of the calls requesting boxes are now from families who all have the virus. The volunteers filling and distributing the boxes know that people suffering from Covid need not just basic support in the form of the relief boxes, but someone checking in on them daily as well, so each patient has a contact person who keeps in touch. Once the emergent stage of the illness has passed, PCAServes will follow up with necessary errands, comfort calls and comfort bags. Please email requests to admin@pca-az.net or call 928-445-3286.
Requests for boxes are still coming in, and GYCC is working to keep up with those who need support. Volunteers are needed to knit or crochet “stuffies” and blankets, write letters of encouragement, make check-in calls and purchase supplies. If you wish to help with the Covid Relief Boxes or know someone who needs a box, contact gyccinfo@gmail.com.